Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Job 4, 5 & 6

Oh, the beginning of Job's "friends." Gosh I hate these guys. I guess I shouldn't, but they're so annoying. (Except for Elihu, but he doesn't speak up till later) They show up and basically say, "Obviously you did something to deserve all this punishment, because it wouldn't be happening if you hadn't." With absolutely nothing to base it on, they just assume Job has done something to deserve it. I wish that breed had died out long ago. I know it gives people comfort to think, "Well, bad things happened to them because they did something to bring it on; therefore, if I don't do what they did, bad things won't happen to me."

Sorry, the story of Job basically proves that's not the case. Not always the case, anyway. Obviously there is the law of cause and effect. But the rain always falls on the just and the unjust. Sometimes things just happen. And I'm going to stop here because this has already turned ugly in my head. Which I'm sure isn't the point of reading the Bible.

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